Monday, July 16, 2007

About me

Talking about myself, I am a graduate student pursuing Masters program in Management of Information Systems. In the past , I have worked as a Software Engineer mostly involved in Storage Virtualization and Cloud computing technology.

On a personal note, I enjoy watching movies, Youtube videos, reading all sorts of stuff ( especially technology stuff ) and occasionally pen down my thoughts in my blog, listening to my favorite songs over and over again till I eventually get bored of it. I love to be at home with my laptop with 24×7 net ( Yes , after four years being a CS student and  another three years of  being a Software Engineer , internet does seem to make into your basic necessities next to air,water,food ).  My dreams are making my dreams come true (yes, now that is recursive!). But with the passion and optimism bubbling inside me, I hope I will some day make them true. That’s all about me.

Thank you for taking time to visit my blog. Have a great day!
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