This are my views, thoughts on my class mates in college.I have tried to keep it as short as possible, So I might have missed out on few Good or bad attributes of yours. Now few important abbreviation's
- (Q) -> Indicates -> Quit drinking and smoking before you get cancer,die of it and making me write a eulogy of you out here..!!!
- (L) -> Indicates -> The person has hit by arrows from cupid, Hope he/she gets Married to one he/she loves and has a Happy Married life..!!!
As normally with my blog, I never mention names of people with whom I am in direct contact with, So no names instead I have used their birthdays..!! I am sure few people would be interested in looking at what I wrote for others than themselves. Anyways birthdays are sorted out for easy search. I have taken the birth dates from placement details file, taken utmost care to get them right, but inspite of that few mistakes have been found. If there mistakes ( Like you cannot find your birthday or wrong birth dates) leave a comment telling who you are ,I will try to fix it . I might be wrong in my view, if I haven't had chance to interact with you myself, then what I hear about you from others is my take here. Again No hard feelings dudes and dudettes , if you feel something is offensive or should be edited out, leave a comment..!!!