The film started with an anime mentos Ad ( where the monkey becums man) which my brilliant friend took it for the actual movie and asking me was this is a cartoon film. Well the actual film started later, you see New york, central park where two lovely ladies are seated in a bench. Then suddenly, one of the ladies takes a hair pin slits her throat to commit suicide. This was the first in the long line of the suicides you see in the film. The Next scene you see construction workers jumping of from top of the buildings leaving me to wonder whether they were trying bunchy jumping. The story revolves around Mark Wahlberg, a teacher in philadelphia. The news soon reaches Mark's school, of the weird things Happening in the city i.e, people committing suicides. This suicides cause massive evacuation of New york, our hero Mark,his wife, his friend along with his daughter rush to the train station to flee from the city. Only to find that people are committing suicides even at the train's destination place. Infact few suicides are interesting to begin with, I can understand Shylaman trying to strike a fear at the hearts of people who are watching the movie(it does in the beginning). But the problem is it gets repetitive, nevertheless to Shylaman's credit he does come up with very innovative ways for people to kill themselves throughout the film.
- Jump from top of building
- Make yourself as a breakfast to the Lion's in your Local Zoo( This video is shown in an iPhone, I cant wait to get my hands on it, when it comes to india)
- Ram your Car at full speed onto a tree
- Start a Lawn mover , Lay down in its path
- Shoot yourself with a gun
- Slit your throat with a hair pin
- Hang yourself in a traffic Signal
- Beat Your head against a Glass wall