Coming back to the point, it’s had to picture someone like Obama in India, a young charismatic leader running for a top post (unless you happen to be son or daughter of politician i.e. the Gandhi family). But politicians here are always 60 and above clinging onto power. What’s even more amazing about this win is he was pitted against a heavy weight such as Hilary Clinton, a former first lady in the Democratic nomination. He has pretty much run a flawless campaign to white house. After eight years of George W Bush whose approval rating at all time low of 22% , the lowest for any US President ( the should start calling those ratings has disapproval ratings, they are that bad) , the change has finally happened. More than anything, what swung the Americans in his favor is his message of change. He had to break the myth of a stereo typed vision of a black man and also appeal to the whites at the same time. “Yes, we can “slogan will be probably go down in history books along with best speeches of Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy.
There are few things here that may worry me as an Indian. He has promised taxes for those companies that outsource jobs to other countries and tax breaks for those that create jobs in US. Not so good news for the job I do. But given the fact, US economy going into recession, companies swinging into cost cutting initiatives, I doubt how successful this would prove to be. There too many things right about his views, for me to let the above issue bother me. We finally have a US President who believes in Global warming and the need to cut green house gases (Mind you the US is the biggest polluter in the world), agrees that Iraq was a bloody mess, wants to concentrate his efforts on where it is required i.e. Afghanistan. Before he can do this all, his immediate task would be to resurrect the falling American economy. When the US economy sneezes, the rest of the world catches cold. Hopefully, he will be able to deliver on the change he promised (It would take a lot of gibberishes, to beat George Bush’s in his disapproval ratings). Most of all America is a changed nation after Nov 4th; there aren’t too many countries in the world that would allow a minority to lead the nation. As Obama himself put it in his midnight victory speech “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer..!!!” . At last, the change is here.
Obama is change definitely.. but I'm not sure how much of a difference one man can make.His mandate is 'more jobs' in U.S and Health Care,I guess that doesn't do much to boost Indian interests.
George.W.Bush Jr. is a dullard but he nearly pushed the nuclear deal through.Obama's aversion towards outsourcing doesn't augur well for us!
Hopefully India votes for such a change in 2009.. but that seems to be a tough proposition with the choices on hand.. The Devil or the Deep blue sea!???
The change states with U...
One man's vision n passion can make a difference to the nation like Gandhi, Hitler..!!!
I knw in india it looks bleak, obama is tryin to unite the divided america along race , but here in india u have political parties tryin to divide ppl based linguistics, language, caste n religion...!!! to get votes.. until tat changes.. nothin can change here....
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