Well, its been quite some time since I have written a movie review. Its not that I have been seeing less movies but rather its hard to find quality movies that make you sit up and watch. Last night , I was pretty much yearning to see Harry Potter, unfortunately I was finding no takers for the movie. I cant understand if people are ready to see Vijay film on PVR for 180 Rs. Why not volunteer for HP6??? Though one of colleagues was interested, it was rather for Transformers 2 ( you could call him typical indian movie goer who are interested in no brainer action movies like Hulk and Godzilla, rather than quality movies ). As luck would have it, within 2 hrs of being at my office , One of senior manager's came and said you could take the day of for all the hard work you put in. I was like wow, Let me escape from office. But on hind sight, even for the last release, they had given me a day of plus Ice creams. I guess the ice creams were a casualty of the recession. Coming back to the point, I managed to cajole my tentative cubicle mate for coming with a movie (at least he has read the book, most other's just watched movies ). It was short walk to Inox across the road ( love this office cause you have a mall and a mutliplex all at a walkable distance ). The movie started and thankfully I did not have to contend with sintex ad or Kumaran silks or Sri devi silks ad before the movie like theatres in Tamil Nadu.
The movie was directed by the same director as 5th one is a more darker one. You can pretty much see that coming from initial Warner Bros intro. A grown up Harry as interested in the girls as any teen is frisked by Dumbledore to recurit Prof Slughorn to Hogwarts. You have Ginny, Harry 's love interest along with his mates Hermione and Ron. By all means the actors have outgrown their character ages. To give credit to them they have put in a good performance. Harry at the start of the year finds a potions making book of Half Blood Prince. that helps him get better grades which quite miffs of Hermione. This movie is pretty much Harry getting to know Voldemort's secrets from Prof Slughorn. Seeing Harry, Ron and Hermione at Hogwarts made me realize how much I miss college. Whether its Hermione's jealous look when Lavender kisses Ron or Ron's smile after drinking the love portion or Harry's first kiss with Ginny, they seem to be all tactile funny. Though I couldn't stand myself to see Hermione cry which she does for a long time during the first half. Draco Malfoy for a change has more meaningful role in this movie than being the usual bully. Dumbledore periodically tutor's Harry's on Voldemort's life throughout the movie. Of course , there aint a Harry Potter movie without Quiditch where Ron's turns out to be hero thanks to either Hermione's spells or Harry's luck portion.

Most of the comical moments during the first half are produced by Ron - Lavender -Hermoine love triangle or Ron intruding Harry and Ginny. After the interval, the movie picks up pace with Harry using Luck Portion to obtain Hocrux information from Slughorn. However the climax of a movie is a bit of a let down. Its more of talkative climax , compared to Order of Phoenix. I wonder whether there was a shortage of CG engineers. All the action you see are pretty much at the start of movie. Dumbledore is killed on returning from his task to destroy Hocrux with Harry by Snape. The book gives details of how Death eater's and Professor's fight , however in the movie you have one man army Harry chasing all the death eater's. The movie ends with Harry faced with a hopeless situation of destroying seven Hocruxes and Dumbledore being dead for Hocrux that was not there. I kind of wished it was I could see the next parts of the movie at a stretch, at least I would be happy to see a happy ending. Yes , at last I did take some time to remember where was I was during the last HP movie with my college mates enjoying a cozy life at cbe. Like Harry's life , it seems even my life had experienced changes leaving me with nostalgic feelings when I walked out of multiplex.!!
Rating : 4/5 I am HP fan, so forgive me , if I am prejudiced in my rating .!!

Most of the comical moments during the first half are produced by Ron - Lavender -Hermoine love triangle or Ron intruding Harry and Ginny. After the interval, the movie picks up pace with Harry using Luck Portion to obtain Hocrux information from Slughorn. However the climax of a movie is a bit of a let down. Its more of talkative climax , compared to Order of Phoenix. I wonder whether there was a shortage of CG engineers. All the action you see are pretty much at the start of movie. Dumbledore is killed on returning from his task to destroy Hocrux with Harry by Snape. The book gives details of how Death eater's and Professor's fight , however in the movie you have one man army Harry chasing all the death eater's. The movie ends with Harry faced with a hopeless situation of destroying seven Hocruxes and Dumbledore being dead for Hocrux that was not there. I kind of wished it was I could see the next parts of the movie at a stretch, at least I would be happy to see a happy ending. Yes , at last I did take some time to remember where was I was during the last HP movie with my college mates enjoying a cozy life at cbe. Like Harry's life , it seems even my life had experienced changes leaving me with nostalgic feelings when I walked out of multiplex.!!
Rating : 4/5 I am HP fan, so forgive me , if I am prejudiced in my rating .!!
Nice. I'm eager to watch it. But damn, no HP fans around. As u said missing the cozy CBE atmosphere.
Me too SIma.. Me too.!!!!!
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