Of late, I have been hearing a lot about the twitter effect, where tweeple determine how good or bad a movie is, by just tweeting. Well, I have to say you can trust it on how people judge a movie. All the movies which got a trending in the twitter Inglorious basterds, Paranormal activity were good to watch. I ended up watching 2012 thanks to the same hype. This time the venue was VR complex, nice cozy evening ( break from miserable rains , that have been following me where ever I go Bangalore or Cbe). Call it the outsourcing effect most movies in hollywood seem to have indian connnection now a days. This ones no different, where the movie starts with an Indian scientist discovering abnormal activity in Solar flares. The neutrinos from the sun are reacting with the earths crust and it is boiling inside out. An american colleague of his , gets this information to US government, so as to enable the world governments plan for the so called apocalypse in 2012.
In LA , we have our quintessential hero taking his two children for camping in yellow stone park finding the lake that used to be there missing. Now starts the story of the Day after tomorrow( because its the same director apparently). He envisaged replacing the hurricanes with earthquakes, people are quiet dumb enough not to notice the similarities. As in the original, here scientist have miscalculated the time for apocalypse and it is happening now rather than some where in the distant future. Only elite , rich and powerful are allowed to board the Noah's ark kind of ship prepared for this D-day;That most normal people aren't even aware of. Some how as the earthquake starts to become frequent, our hero finds this out from some hippie and is desperately trying to get his family on board this secret ship. What follows after this some mouth opening , awe inspiring death and destruction scenes done so well that nobody even vaguely cares about the actors or the story. Whether the Planes escaping from the pyroclastic flows which in turn springs from a volcano that erupts faster than Diwali flower pot or the large Antonov maneuvering through the rubbles of the falling buildings in Las vegas, its just breath taking.
Thanks to the earth quakes, earth has turned inside out with lava spewing everywhere in land. The secret space ship by which humans try to continue their race is in Tibet. The hero with his family and some Russian company lands in tibet. As illogical as it might seem the plane is traveling towards tibet and tibet is also traveling towards the plane ( For more details on this mystery I insist you watch the movie). Now everybody gets cozy in the space ship that is built to withstand D-day. But only problem is the number of people outnumber the number of seats. You do have the retrograde villain who locks door not allowing people inside. Meanwhile the earthquakes trigger massive tsunami's , which are so big that one from Arabian sea fills Deccan plateau makes its way across the height of Himalayas into Tibet. Oh yeah, our Indian scientist who discovered all this mayhem gets washed up in the tsunami, creating a change of heart for the Americans, who threw the doors to people open. Now for the climax, the opened door wont close for some Chinese worker throwing machine into a lever to get the door stuck, leaving the ark in line of fire of the huge tsunami thats sweeping the ark towards a big bang collision with Mount Everest. ( Yes , you heard it right people its ship colliding with Everest at altitude of 29000ft not a plane.!!). And yes as always the hero saves the day by removing the lever and saving his family, the ship navigates itself away from Everest to South Africa which apparently now turns out to be highest point on land.
All said and done, as vaunted as the climax might seem, you do happen to enjoy it thanks again to the awe inspring CG effects. As a whole this is a fun film to watch on a Saturday evening. When I came out of the theatre , I said to my friend they must have put a lot of money for all that CG and post production work , only to stand corrected by my friend saying that they have put money only in CG and post production work.!!!
Rating : 3/5
In LA , we have our quintessential hero taking his two children for camping in yellow stone park finding the lake that used to be there missing. Now starts the story of the Day after tomorrow( because its the same director apparently). He envisaged replacing the hurricanes with earthquakes, people are quiet dumb enough not to notice the similarities. As in the original, here scientist have miscalculated the time for apocalypse and it is happening now rather than some where in the distant future. Only elite , rich and powerful are allowed to board the Noah's ark kind of ship prepared for this D-day;That most normal people aren't even aware of. Some how as the earthquake starts to become frequent, our hero finds this out from some hippie and is desperately trying to get his family on board this secret ship. What follows after this some mouth opening , awe inspiring death and destruction scenes done so well that nobody even vaguely cares about the actors or the story. Whether the Planes escaping from the pyroclastic flows which in turn springs from a volcano that erupts faster than Diwali flower pot or the large Antonov maneuvering through the rubbles of the falling buildings in Las vegas, its just breath taking.

All said and done, as vaunted as the climax might seem, you do happen to enjoy it thanks again to the awe inspring CG effects. As a whole this is a fun film to watch on a Saturday evening. When I came out of the theatre , I said to my friend they must have put a lot of money for all that CG and post production work , only to stand corrected by my friend saying that they have put money only in CG and post production work.!!!
Rating : 3/5
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