Now fast forward to the year 2004, where you see Govind again, a bio terrorism expert working for US Govt on developing Biological weapons. Of course as you might have guessed by now, he develops a super cool air borne virus, thanks to federal funding by George W Bush(Third Character) which kills his monkey buddy in a couple of seconds, leaving me to doubt whether monkey accidentally ate a virus specimen or cyanide. Govind decontaminates the room by using NaCl. The scientists who work at the lab, plan to sell the virus for a terrorist. Our Govind somehow manages to sniff this out and takes the virus specimen from the lab planning it on returning it to the FBI. However as always the villains are always on his tail. You have Chris Fletcher(Forth Character), ex- CIA agent , now terrorist chasing Govind throughout the film literally. During this chasing and fighting, the japanese wife of kamal's friend is killed, which introduces us to her brother , lets call him Japanese DUDE(Fifth Character) who seeks to avenge his sister's death. One things lead to another, the virus specimen by mistake is mailed by kamal's friend to an Old GrandMa named Krishnaveni ( Sixth Character) in india. Mean while Govind somehow mails himself as a parcel in a container along with the packaged virus specimen to india. So now you need Chris Fletcher to go to india to get the bio-weapon. Of course you need a translator for him, here comes Mallika Sherawat, a strip club dancer (She has played the role like a Pro in Stripping business, I might add) whom Fletcher marries and the story now moves to india.
The FBI finds out the about the bio weapon stolen, informs George W Bush, who doesnt want to know about complicated things. And comes up with ingenious ideas such as why not use an atom bomb on chennai to destroy the virus specimen there. He is made to look ridiculously lame throughout the film ( true to his original nature ). Apparently the only thing that can kill the virus if it speards is tons and tons of NaCl. Bush rings up Manmohan Singh in india informing him of the bio weapon in the country.You have Govind being confiscated by a RAW official , Balram Naidu(Seventh Character) when he arrives in India. Balram is by far the most humurous character in the film. While interrogating the Govind, Fletcher arrives at the scene kills a few commandos. Fletcher escapes with Govind at gun point. Meanwhile japanese dude arrives in india seeking his revenge for his sister's murder against Fletcher.Lets not get into intricacies here, Govind again escapes from Fletcher, both manage to find their way to Old GrandMa's house, only to find that the parcel is already delivered to her. Here Asin makes the entry, as the Grand daughter. Before Govind or Fletcher could get hands on the virus specimen, the Old GrandMa being a sincere devotee of Lord Vishnu, puts the virus specimen inside the statue of the Lord Vishnu. Few things happen afterwards, which leads to Govind and Asin being near a beach afterwards with the statue( with the virus specimen inside it) near the beach at night. The virus must be kept at optimum temperature for it to be not to spread, So they bury the statue inside beach sand. But they are surrounded by a sand mafia, who dig up sand near beaches and rivers illegally and sell them for building construction.
They try to catch Govind for whom hefty reward is announced by the police and try to commit (yawn, the very usual) rape on asin. Of course, as you might have guessed, a savior arrives Poovaragavan (Eighth Character) , an social activist against sand mafia, with the press on a sting operation to highlight the sand being quarried illegally in beaches.Using this commotion, Govind and Asin escape with the statue in a lorry, only to run the lorry onto a van. I guess Asin is not good at night driving. Miraculously nobody dies in this high speed accident. Traveling in this van is Kalifullah Khan (Ninth Character), a very tall dude. Now one of the people in the van is injured, so Govind,Asin and Khan make it to the hospital with the injured person. There Govind gets a cold storage from the hospital to keep the statue with the virus. At the Hospital you have Avatar Singh (Tenth Character) , a punjabi pop singer getting his treatment for cancer. As it usually happens in films, Cold Storage box with Avatar's medicines and the statue are mixed up. Govind and Fletcher go to Avatar's concert to get the statue with virus specimen. Like Pokkiri you have a song(Punjabi number), before climax. Once the song is over, we have fight and bike chasing. Finally you reach seaside port near Velakanni, its the morning of 26th,Dec 2004. Fletcher being ex-CIA agent kicks Govind's butt to get the virus specimen. Out of No where you have Kung Fu master Japenese dude appearing the near the port. I wonder how he found is way around chennai without knowing tamil, correctly to the port. Both Fletcher and Japanese dude have cool kung Fu fight. As always the good guy kicks bad guy's i.e, Fletcher's ass. He breaks Fletcher's right ankle and right wrist. Now at last the police( here RAW) arrive when everything is over. Fletcher knowing there is no way out of this, decides to take everybody down along with him. He breaks open the virus specimen container and eats it, unleashing the air borne virus which can kill crore's people if it spreads. The virus starts spreading to everyone's horror. Now its 9.05 AM 26th,Dec 2004 at the sea side port, To everyones horror when they look at the sea they see a gigantic mammoth wave of 400m tall, aka Tsunami coming towards them. The wave crushes everything in its path including Fletcher, Govind, asin and Japenese dude. But this is cinema, so only bad guys die in the wave. Govind and Asin at last land themselves on Lord Vishnu Statue , the one which was dumped by the King in 1200AD in sea with Rangarajan. That old statue in the sea is carried by the Tsunami to the beach.The virus in Fletcher's body is neutralized by tons and tons of NaCl(Sodium Chloride) from the sea water brought by the Tsunami and hence the major bio disaster which could have killed crore's of people is averted by the Tsunami killing thousands of people. Justifying the saying " Everything Happens For A Reason, that is For Greater Good ".
Now the films Computer Graphics is pretty Good. Kamal has done a fabulous job to portray ten characters. All the ten characters are not needed for the story, but they are needed for film's title shake Dasavathram(TEN AVATARS). The film does drag a bit during the second half mainly because of the new characters in second half of the movie.There are few lapses in screen play,but again if Steven Spielberg is allowed to make a movie like Indiana Jones where Harrison Ford performs Vijay's kuruvi like stunts, then KS RaviKumar can be excused for those lapses.As for the music, there are a few peppy numbers atleast its not bad and thank God for the fact Himesh Reshmiya didnt sing any song in the film, rather just did the remix( available only in Audio CD's). The thing that enjoyed the most was witty dialogues in film, whether its making George W Bush look lame and highlighting the danger developing bio weapons, taking a dig at language fanatics through Balram Naidu. Driving home the point all people who have beard , dress with kurtas wearing kullahs are not terrorist. Kamal does a good job of being dialogue writer.Also you will find traces of kamal's atheistic views where Govind questions religious practices of Asin. At last My favourite dialogue in the film, where Asin says to Govind to stop questioning religion rites and doubting whether God is there. To which Govind replies "நான் கடவுள் இல்லைனு ொசல்லுல , இரூத்த நல்லைருகும்..!! " ( I m not saying God is not there, if he is there it would be Better..!!! ). When the film got over everybody stood up and clapped as if it was Cannes film festival. Probably its the best award any actor or artist can ask for , Kamal and KS Ravi Kumar got it..!!!
Rating: 4/5
and a thumps up for Dasavathram..!!
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