I woke up as usual today morning 8 30 and hurried of to college. But today was the last day of college. Strangely there were no tinkling sensations of missing anything that morning. Rather I was more worried about, whether one of my project mates had finished typing the abstract paper work I had given him (As my intuition suggested, he had typed something, but rather did a shabby job of it) to show it to my guide that day. After checking his work in the hostel, I went back to class, only to find that photo taking frenzy started with everybody taking photos. I was rather feeling severely frustrated in the morning, because I had missed out on yesterday night’s meeting of all guys in hostel. Well, to be frank I did a get a call, from one of my friends at around 11 pm in the night. By that time both my parents had gone to sleep, I had dwelled into my project working on a module. I was like why the hell???? I didn’t get the info about the meeting earlier, but I didn’t go since it was pretty late at night, when I did get the info. My frustration reached its peak, when people whom I saw started narrating how they chatted off the whole night narrating their ek choti se love stories. Everybody was talking about it, but not to be part of it was getting to me. And the increased photo shooting frenzy in the class didn’t help. So I decided to go out to chill a bit and come back in. I went out for half an hour to gather myself up, after all this is the last day, there ain’t going to be anybody to be mad at from tomorrow. When I did come back in, I was straight way pushed into photo shooting session. No qualms about the photo’s though or the person whom took the photo with, I did refuse to do that in Goa tour, when I was asked, but I did it now, better late than never. We had our FA coming down to our class, to advise us (that would be pretty much the last piece of advice we are going to get from her, but I have to admit her advises are always thought provoking for me). Even our FA seemed a bit moved since it was the last working day, but I was not feeling anything. Then we had our juniors giving us this contact book, a compilation of all our class mate’s addresses. I think it was very nice of them to do that. One thing which I m rather happy about with myself, is that probably we have given lot more technical inputs and guidance to our juniors, then what our seniors had done for us. I seriously wish that they end up with a better placement record than us in final year. That contact book thing probably cheered up my mood.
Then we started having the final day talk, where we had each person coming up and talking about college life. To be frank we all might not have liked the college that we have joined. During the time of the counseling I had opportunity to select CIT or TCE. (I missed PSG by a single rank, which I would have got if I answered all 20 questions in chemistry exam in +2, but I ended up messing up the counting and answering 19 only, missed a centum in it because of that). Obviously all the above three colleges seemed to be better colleges now. But as they say it’s your fate that you should end up with so and so. Well if you don’t get what you want, then you must learn to make the most of what you have. I did do well with my placements in this college inspite of a few hiccups initially. Probably the one thing that I could have done better is my marks, I was a 8 pointers during my first year, but after coming into my department my percentage dropped to mid 70’s. The most important factor was my not so good handwriting. Frankly with no two or one marks in my semester question paper, I was not able to make the initial impression(I usually get all of 1 marks and 2 marks dead right) that I could do with my +2 board exams at the start of answering. Coming back to the point, the final day talk, it was kind of nice reliving your foregone days in the words of your friends. There were jokes, teasing, apologies and tears. Strange enough I wasn’t going through the emotions that most of my friends felt. For some reason I always liked my school life better than my college life. Pretty much every one had spoken, including me. I feel that people who didn't speak must rue missing this opportunity, though not immediately but surely sometime in the future .

Now it was almost 3 in the evening, people where getting hungry, so it was time for a break. The thing that had been a thorn in my flesh the whole day, meeting one of my staff’s with the paper work. Had to go to the hostel to get the paper in pen drive to take print out and had to do some last moment changes in the paper, went out in the rain to take print out. I was so pissed off with this work, I hadn’t taken any anything in morning for breakfast, and lunch hour had passed by in the final day talk given by everyone. I was feeling bloody hungry by now, so went to have my lunch, my project work can wait. Finished of my lunch and made it in the nick of time to gallery for the final photo session. Then we had our final photo, the last snap with the entire class (Probably I don’t think we would have another opportunity like that where we could have our entire class together). It was over in a moment. Then I had to bug my project mates and push them to meet my guide, all the three guys next to me were pretty much literally sleeping, while standing next to me in the staff room (nobody seemed to acknowledge or even nod to what ever my guide was saying other than me) throughout the talk given by my guide. Finished this work and at last came back to the gallery, only to find everyone had dispersed. Hmmm, as I made the lonely walk to the parking lot I did realize this is the end I guess. And I did finally feel that tinkling sensation of missing my friends there, standing alone near my bike nobody there, where we had countless chat sessions. It was strange, it was the same feeling I felt when I finished my schooling. I was happy that I at last felt this missing sensation (I was wondering whether I had any sense of affiliation at all with the college, the whole morning when all people seemed quite moved expect me, until this moment). Though I was happy that at last I was experiencing the emotions, but also I was sad because I am going to miss all my friends and most of all my college life...!!!!
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