Well, One of the things that I felt I should have learnt, but didnt do it was learning Hindi. When I talk to many of my online friends(especially gals) , its hard to manage or reply in hindi, this is even worse when somebody cracks a joke in hindi, everybody around you is laughing and your wondering what the hell all the fuss is about. Hmmmm, Coming back to the point, this incident happened couple of weeks ago.
I was online and bored to death. Probably, God heard my cry for help and made one of my close friend come online. She is from Hyderabad. I was rather in a childish naughty mood, So decided to bug the hell out of her. I simply started to buzz her and sent her those flash messages in yahoo. Obviously she got mad with my bugging, asked what do I want???? (She doesnt know tamil, so I decided to further irritate her by talking to her in tamil, assume that her name is say "Swetha") So I just said "CHUMMMAAAAAA SWETHA..!!!", She got mad and started to scold me in telugu. I thought I was getting that scolding for annoying her and said again "CHUMMMAAAA SWETHA..!!" again. Now, the scolding got from bad to worst. I decided it was enough, asked her why she was getting so angry at me( I did after all say to her I was bugging her SIMPLYYYYY i.e, for no real valid reason ). She did calm down and asked to my horror why I was asking her to KISS me?????? I was shocked at hearing this, I was like when the hell did I ask that..!!! But then she told CHUMMMAA means KISSSSSS in telugu. Gawwwwwwwddd , I was bugging her to KISS MEE all the time, I was literally banging my head on the cyberwall. In the end, I had to give a long explanation saying that CHUMMAA means SIMPLYY in tamil,I was speaking in tamil context, while she took it in telugu context and I had no idea what so ever that CHUMMA means KISSS in telugu(Infact I didnt know anything in telugu). After a hefty talking session,she atlast buyed my side of the story, believed in my innocence. In the end, we both ended up laughing over the entire language mix up. Kinda of funny, even now when I think of it, What are odds such an incident happening..!!!
MY cyberwall :P
i think i know who the person is :O :P...
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