This are my views, thoughts on my class mates in college.I have tried to keep it as short as possible, So I might have missed out on few Good or bad attributes of yours. Now few important abbreviation's
- (Q) -> Indicates -> Quit drinking and smoking before you get cancer,die of it and making me write a eulogy of you out here..!!!
- (L) -> Indicates -> The person has hit by arrows from cupid, Hope he/she gets Married to one he/she loves and has a Happy Married life..!!!
As normally with my blog, I never mention names of people with whom I am in direct contact with, So no names instead I have used their birthdays..!! I am sure few people would be interested in looking at what I wrote for others than themselves. Anyways birthdays are sorted out for easy search. I have taken the birth dates from placement details file, taken utmost care to get them right, but inspite of that few mistakes have been found. If there mistakes ( Like you cannot find your birthday or wrong birth dates) leave a comment telling who you are ,I will try to fix it . I might be wrong in my view, if I haven't had chance to interact with you myself, then what I hear about you from others is my take here. Again No hard feelings dudes and dudettes , if you feel something is offensive or should be edited out, leave a comment..!!!
14-Jan-85 | Kind of feel sorry for him ,Didn’t get placed..!! All the best for |
28-Feb-85 | Looks always like a Senior, All d best..!! |
18-Mar-85 | Hmmm,Has a nice smile, All d best mate.. |
14-Apr-85 | Mature person literally, talented, responsible |
22-Apr-85 | Looks like Chota nawab Saif, very Friendly |
06-Aug-85 | Calm,Silent, back bencher (Q) |
09-Oct-85 | Once u actually helped run PL/SQL program in some IDE during models, thanx.. Hmm She asks doubt when everybody else keeps quiet. No probes with questions but dun ask silly ones..!! |
10-Oct-85 | She hates circuits and electronics tats what she said when I first met her..!! Very calm..!! |
08-Nov-85 | Quiet, I don't know why do you always have a look, that says I have lost a million dollars..!! |
02-Dec-85 | Crying doesn't always get you out of trouble..!!(At least tats wat I keep hearing about you) All d best..!! |
03-Mar-86 | He would have been far better at his home state than here…!! |
01-Apr-86 | Out and Out Punjabi..!! Fun loving person..!! Rarely used to see him class.!! |
05-May-86 | Boys rep wanted you as his GF.... He always used to say this..!! But seriously he's just kidding around. All d best..!! |
09-May-86 | Has a Calm demeanor, Humble, Under achiever, Always willing to help, Has a Good handwriting..!! |
09-May-86 | Sarcastic, pretty thin, fun to be with I hope(L) |
08-Jun-86 | Significant Change in character, Mostly for Good except for short temper. Seriously should control his temper for his own good(L). |
25-Jun-86 | Hard working but susceptible |
27-Jun-86 | Be Honest(Q) |
27-Jun-86 | I haven’t spoken much... Anyways All the best..!! |
29-Jun-86 | Good at Swearing at others..!! You dont want to be at the receiving end believe me..!! Wish he could rap, coz swearing n rap go hand in hand..!! Dont loose your temper..!! Good at Math..!! |
30-Jun-86 | Calm, silent. |
04-Jul-86 | Good handwriting, Under achiever, Easy going person, Cheesy..!! |
09-Jul-86 | Street Smart rather than book smart..!! |
15-Jul-86 | Responsible, Hard Working though I never managed to get much work out of him during project..!! |
20-Jul-86 | Helpful to others..!! Tries to act like a bully, at times..!! Street Smart again..!!(Q) |
12-Aug-86 | Topper, Studious, focused at what is hand (L) |
12-Sep-86 | Helpful financially to most people in the class, All d best mate... |
14-Sep-86 | Carefree practical dude..!! |
15-Sep-86 | Hmmm, frankly I have spoken more to her mom during counseling day than entire 4 years combined to her....!!! Good I think..!! |
18-Sep-86 | Humility personified, Hard worker, pretty down to earth guy... |
03-Oct-86 | Very talkative..!! |
07-Oct-86 | Has a Squeaky voice..!! All d best..!! |
19-Oct-86 | School mate, brainy, Street Smart..!! |
25-Oct-86 | Speaks his Mind, tat kind of leads to fights, but sensible guy..!! |
28-Oct-86 | Very Brainy, Sometime his advise is out and out Mokkai, Very talented. |
29-Oct-86 | I dun no what to say here..!! Not spoken at all, Once during 1st sem, when I saw you at bus stand, I had strange thought I Have seen you somewhere.. Later I found out your actually in my class..!! Anyways all the best..!! |
04-Nov-86 | Hmmm, hardly makes his presence felt in class, calm. |
18-Nov-86 | Theoretically Sound, Practically weak..!! |
13-Dec-86 | Talkative, Again Giggles a lot, but for a girl its acceptable I guess, brainy (L) |
14-Dec-86 | Hmm, under used his talents though one cannot blame him alone for that..!!(Q) |
15-Dec-86 | Street Smart, Fun loving person..!! (Q) |
28-Dec-86 | Loves to stay at home rather than college literally.!!! |
08-Jan-87 | Oops tats me..!! |
13-Jan-87 | Sincere Studious Cuddy Cuddy Good (L) |
19-Jan-87 | Commanding, Cut down your talking, Start doing things. |
26-Jan-87 | Never noticeable, so much so I often keep forgetting your name. All d best..!! |
27-Jan-87 | Brainy, eager to learn, May be he should relax a bit n let the steam out instead of always being always focused..!!! |
29-Jan-87 | Calm back bencher..!! (Q) |
15-Feb-87 | Lackadaisical in his effort, NFS is not the only thing in the world..!! (Q) |
18-Feb-87 | Giggles a lot, Some would consider it annoying and Of Course brainy..!! |
19-Feb-87 | Loves his home..!! If I were a hosteller, I would have ended something like him..!! But again I am a day scholar, U would have never known.!! |
07-Mar-87 | Street Smart, Good at organizing and stuff, team player..!! |
09-Mar-87 | Quiet in class, remains me of Inzamam, Sleepy giant (Q) |
17-Mar-87 | Very very Studious, Sincere, Talented, Usually ends up being topper, May be under achieved in placements(L) |
31-Mar-87 | Brainy, Good at Sarcastic humor, Bit unlucky |
04-Apr-87 | Sweet, Caring |
07-Apr-87 | Good dancer, Silent person, practically talented..!! |
07-Apr-87 | Hard to find a Carefree girl like her, Good Looking but beauty is not everything, Isn't it???? (Though almost every time its the first thing guy sees in a girl) |
15-Apr-87 | Helpful, Good at Sarcastic humor, Mostly good. |
28-Apr-87 | Rarely would see him in the class during the later years, travels a lot, donates blood which is appreciable, should reduce weight (Q) |
16-May-87 | Technical geek, Share a good rapport with him, Has changed for the better since I first saw him..!!! |
06-Jun-87 | Back bencher, u don’t notice him much in class.. (L) |
11-Jun-87 | I always wanted say this use a deodorizer mate..!! He can talk a lot at least thats wat hostellers say..!! |
13-Jun-87 | Good at striking an emotional chord with people, Sorry mate for the nasty fight I had with u in the parking lot..!!(L) |
15-Jun-87 | Flirty, Huge Ar rehman fan, His laugh reminds of Janesse from Friends..!! |
01-Jul-87 | Bubbly chirpy, she has an Infectious Smile |
09-Jul-87 | Brainy talkative |
25-Jul-87 | Calm demeanor, He has an Infectious Smile (L) |
25-Jul-87 | Sense and Sensibility, True Vanilla..!! |
17-Aug-87 | Has a loud voice, Hmmm Sometimes u wonder whether his actions to distinguish himself from others turns out to be totally amusing..!!! (L) |
21-Aug-87 | Brainy, talented, very Focused on task at hand..!! |
29-Sep-87 | Brainy, Focused, Volatile Personality ..!! |
20-Oct-87 | She would make a excellent Teacher or lecturer, Has all the inherent qualities to become Lecturer in CSIT department..!! |
nice review . Just a small correction. My humour aint slapstick. Sarcastic would rather be apt.
slapstick->Broad comedy involving boisterous action like throwing pies and fake violence ala The Three Stooges
Anyways nicely written. Keep writing.
Sometimes its rather better to be hit with pie's than to be receiving end of sarcasm..!!! [:P]
Anywayz will change it..!!
Nice blog
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